The Families First Coronovirus Response Act (FFCRA) was passed by Congress and goes into effect on April 1, 2020, and will sunset on December 31, 2020. There are two components of the legislation: Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (ER-FMLA) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act Private employers with fewer […]
Continue ReadingCovid-19
New York COVID-19 Paid Leave: Guidance
Until the Federal program (“Families First Coronavirus Response Act”) becomes effective in April to help ease some of the financial strains from the COVID-19 outbreak (the illness caused by the novel Coronavirus), NY State is helping fill the void on the State level through “Emergency COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave” signed into law 3/18/2020 for employees […]
Continue ReadingCOVID-19: HR Guidance and Best Practices – Recording & Presentation
For those who tried to attend the ThinkHR webinar yesterday, we apologize for any technical issues you encountered. The system was overwhelmed as they had over 13,000 HR professionals and business owners, like yourselves, sign into this event. We’ve included a copy of the PowerPoint from the presentation along with a link to the recorded […]
Continue ReadingSmall Business Majority – National Resources and Policy Updates
The Small Business Majority held a webinar yesterday for Small Businesses impacted by COVID-19. We’ve captured the slides from this webinar along with a link to their website to follow daily updates, both Federal and State. Slides: National resources and policy updates for small businesses impacted by COVID-19 [PDF]More info: COVID-19: Resources for Small Businesses
Continue ReadingFamily First Coronavirus Response Act – Signed into Law
The Family First Coronavirus has been signed into law by President Trump. It will go into effect 15 days from being signed into law. Please note – we only know what has been released and gathered thus far – the bill was written incredibly quickly so some of the details on how this will happen […]
Continue ReadingCongress Passes Coronavirus Law Requiring Paid Family Leave
Today, March 18, 2020, the U.S. Senate voted to approve a coronavirus relief bill. President Trump is expected to sign the bill into law. Find details below: Legal Update: Coronavirus Law Enacted, Requires Paid Employee Leave [PDF]
Continue ReadingMVP Healthcare & CDPHP enter Partnership for Emergency Telemedicine
As we continue to monitor the situation with Covid 19 – we have some updates, if you are enrolled with CDPHP or MVP Healthcare – they have teamed up to provide their members with access to telemedicine 24 hours a day – with a partnership with United Concierge Medicine – branded as CDPHP’s ER Anywhere […]
Continue ReadingNew York State of Health Opens Special Enrollment Period for COVID-19
Please see an urgent press release from the NY State of Health. They are opening a special enrollment period due to the COVID 19 virus. We urge all New Yorkers who do not have coverage now, to please call the NY State of Health to set up an account to see what coverages you may […]
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