This week’s client spotlight comes from Acting & Voice Studios. Imagine just moving into a new space and having the COVID-19 pandemic hit? Find out how they adjusted and continued their business model while NY went on PAUSE.
Acting & Voice Studios provides top-quality acting training for film and television to actors all around the world. They provide actors with the tools they need to both hone their crafts and further their careers. With offerings ranging from acting intensives, seminars and workshops, to headshots, reels, classes on acting business, filmmaking, music, and more, Acting & Voice Studios connects actors with the top entertainment industry professionals in the world.
Acting & Voice Studios (AVS) had just moved into a larger location in New York City when the pandemic hit and the NYC shut down. They went from holding over 100 classes a month to not being able to hold a single class. With sales at a standstill, AVS had to pivot quickly and move all of their classes online. With the help of the Zoom platform, AVS was soon back in business and now offers classes to actors around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned actor looking to further your career or brand new actor looking to find out what it’s all about, you can now take classes at Acting & Voice Studios from anywhere in the world and from the comfort of your own home.”
Find them at: & Thumbtack
Instagram, Facebook & Twitter: @actingandvoicestudios